Management Commands

sage_encrypt provides 2 management commands:

  1. encryptdb

python encryptdb --table <table_name> --column <col_name> --cast <field_previous_cast_type> --algorithm <algorithm> #(symmetric/asymmetric)


  1. –database (if you have multiple db’s specify for your database)

  2. –table (table name in your database not django model title)

  3. –column (col name in the specified table)

  4. –algorithm (symmetric/asymmetric)

  5. –cast (field previous cast that you want to encrypt from that)


When you want to add encryption on a row and there is valuable data in you db, you can encrypt the data to be compatible with Encrypted Field.

  1. decryptdb

python decryptdb --table <table_name> --column <col_name>


  1. –database (if you have multiple db’s specify for your database)

  2. –table (table name in your database not django model title)

  3. –column (col name in the specified table)


When your data is encrypted in db and you want to remove encryption from a row, for getting back data you can use this command, it decrypts data and replaces in your db.